FAQ/ How to




Technical Support / Reporting a Software Error

Technical support is available to both registered and unregistered users of Viewplot by sending an email to Viewplot@roneda.nl (registered users will receive priority.)

Please send as much detail as possible about the problem being experienced, including the version of the software

as displayed in the Viewplot About dialog.

To report a software error (bug) please write down as much detail as possible about the error.
Send a Job or other input file that demonstrates the problem.


Viewplot in German

Download der deutschen Version "* DE" aus dem Download-Bereich.

Die deutsche Version besteht aus einer zusätzlichen Sprache Datei, "viewplot.000"

Diese soll sich im gleichen verzeichnis gespeichert sein wie die Viewplot.exe.

Nun werden alle funktionen erscheinen in deutscher Sprache.

Änderungen können vorgenommen werden, so lange die nummerierung nicht geändert wird.

Wenn Sie Vorschläge haben oder probleme bei der Übersetzung finden, zögern Sie nicht uns zu kontaktieren.


Download the German version "* DE" from the download area.

The German version consist of a additional language file.

The viewplot.000 and must be located in the same directory as the Viewplot.exe

Now all function will appear in German language.

Changes can be made as long the numbering isn't changed.

If you have proposals & or fond any problems in the translation don’t hesitate to contact us.